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Blog / Marketing Strengths and Challenges of the UK, US, and Germany Compared

Marketing Strengths and Challenges of the UK, US, and Germany Compared

Marketers and analysts across the UK, US, and Germany share the same strategic priorities for 2022: to build and target their audience, and to deliver personalized content. However, there are some key differences in the challenges and strengths of organizations across the globe.

International businesses with marketing departments dotted around the world should take their different strengths and weaknesses into account when setting out a strategy for 2022.

Read on to find out what these strengths and weaknesses are, or check out the full report here.

Germany’s strength: Campaign optimization

Almost half of German respondents consider their campaign optimization to be very strong (46%), while in the UK and US that drops to just 36%, ranking way down in fourth place. Take note Americans and Brits — if you want to get better at optimizing your marketing campaigns, be sure to grab a strudel with some German marketers, and see what they have to say.

The UK’s strength: Campaign reporting

In the UK, campaign reporting was ranked the greatest strength with 44% of respondents rating their organization as very strong in this area. However, Americans actually consider themselves to be marginally stronger in this area, with 45% rating themselves as very strong despite this not being the highest-ranked capability.

The US’s strength: Personalized content delivery

Across the pond, the US ranks personalized content delivery as their greatest strength with more than half of American respondents rating these capabilities as very strong.;

Global weakness: Precision targeting

Personalized content is a great way to capture data without relying on third-party cookies, and cookie depreciation means we’ll likely see a lot more of this in the coming years. However, at the moment businesses are struggling to make good use of this relatively new and more granular kind of data that comes from running highly personalized campaigns.

Globally, precision targeting is considered the weakest strategic capability with only a third of respondents reporting they were strong in this area and some 17% believing it is an area that needs significant improvement.

Top UK and US challenge: Data wrangling

In both the US and the UK, time and effort spent wrangling data was ranked as the biggest challenge with some 40% of respondents identifying it as a challenge in the US compared to 43% in the UK.

Top challenge for Germany: Getting value from data

While the USA and UK struggle to get data, in Germany the focus is on getting value out of the data. Demonstrating the business impact of marketing efforts and the inability to measure ROI on marketing spend were both ranked the biggest challenges for German marketers and data analysts with some 2 out 5 of respondents highlighting each as a significant challenge. In fact, only 3% of German respondents believe they have no trouble in demonstrating the impact of marketing compared to 12% in the UK and 17% in the USA.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, it is imperative that as an organization you understand the different cultural attitudes towards data.

Alexander Igelsböck, CEO at Adverity


“For global businesses, understanding how different marketing departments across the world interact with their marketing data is an important step in becoming truly data-driven. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, it is imperative that as an organization you understand the different cultural attitudes towards data. By being open and transparent across the business you can tailor solutions for particular regions far better.” Says Alexander Igelsböck, CEO at Adverity.

Check out the full report for insights from 964 marketers and data analysts.

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