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Product updates / Beta: Data Monitoring

Beta: Data Monitoring

Product update: February 21, 2024

Author: Sophie Barwood

When it comes to data integration, automating your data collection is the obvious time saver and benefit but it often reveals a secondary problem; the needed to quality control and monitor your data quality too. 

So, what if you could automate not just the integration but also the QA of your data?

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Data checks without the heavy-lifting

Introducing our new AI powered data monitoring features that observe your data and help you faster detect and take action on data errors.

Questions they can help you answer:

  • Are there any duplicated rows? 
  • Any there gaps in my data?
  • Are there unexpected changes to my data?
  • Does it conform to assigned data rules?
  • Is everything updating on schedule? 


Be an early adopter

Data monitoring will be available to all customers.

If you would like to participate in this beta or to get early access to upcoming releases around data quality, please reach out to your account manager.