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Product updates / Beta: ChatGPT via Data Shares

Beta: ChatGPT via Data Shares

Product update: June 17, 2024

Author: Tina Hintringer

Speed up your data analytics

Get instant data analysis without the need  for a dedicated analyst by syncing your data with ChatGPT. Flexibility upload parts of your clean, unified data from Adverity into ChatGPT for instant data analysis - without filing data requests or having to sift through your data first. 

When combined with data prepared by Adverity, you can maximize the potential of ChatGPT assistants and even unlock insights you may have otherwise missed.

SUI_Eygptian Blue_ChatGPT via Create Data Share (1)

How it works:

Define exactly what metrics, dimension and time range of data you wish to analyze and generate a ChatGPT compatible file instantly. This filtered dynamic data segment (or “Share”) can be saved to get up to date data whenever you're next ready to analyze it.  

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We want all our customers to benefit from the latest technological improvements so ChatGPT via Data Shares will be available to all customers.
If you would like to participate, please reach out to your account manager.