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Create a centralized data overview

Automate integration from all your data sources, transform it, and start analyzing immediately.

Use insights for content development

Get up-to-date intelligence on the performance of your content and marketing campaigns to optimize and improve results.

Communicate value to advertisers

Have your audience and engagement data ready for internal analyses and to clearly display value to all advertisers.

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Accelerated data analysis

Use over 600 pre-built data connectors to all major platforms and tools to integrate and harmonize your data.

Integrate data from offline sources, making your dataset complete, and be ready for any type of advanced audience and engagement analysis.

All data connectors

Streamlined marketing reporting

Actively monitor all channels driving traffic to your website and content, as well as their performance.

Power your dashboards to quickly spot best-performing channels and replicate best practices when it comes to content production, social media distribution, and advertising potential of your assets.

Use AI-powered analytics to get new insights that allow you to stay one step ahead of your competition.

Apply augmented analytics to your data to predict and correct issues ahead of time, as well as detect weak points in your customer’s journey, identify the best channels for user acquisition, and reduce churn.

Need numbers?

Calculate your data integration ROI

Mike Forst

Senior Technical Product Manager ,

The Goodway Group

What our clients say…

We can focus on the bigger challenges now because we no longer worry about how to move data from point A to B. In partnering with Adverity, we knew we’d be in this together and ultimately, that meant more than anything else.

VP Data and Technology, iProspect Canada,


What our clients say…

Thanks to the automated data flows, on just one test brand we were able to save about 200 hours a month. It was an instant success, and as a result this client now wants data for their entire portfolio of about 50 brands to be onboarded through Adverity.

Dan Ward

Head of Performance,


What our clients say…

With our platform LOOP we struggled with maintaining the breadth of APIs, whereas with Adverity it is automated, offering us a rounded proposition, keeping Accord on top of the fast-paced and ever-changing digital landscape.

Chander Dhar Sharma

Data Scientist,


What our clients say…

Adverity offers one of the best ETL solutions, allowing seamless aggregation of data from multiple ad platforms into a single data warehouse.

Braden Moore

Senior Director of Data and Analytics,


What our clients say…

The biggest benefit is the democratization of the data. Thanks to our ability to expand the data we bring to departmental stakeholders, we’ve been able to ramp up on our social strategies, to understand when and what to post, and maximize engagement.

Find out how IKEA uses Adverity to understand ad performance.


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Ready to enhance your engagement and marketing ROI?

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Audience and engagement analytics for the media and entertainment industry

Take a look at the important trends in the M&E industry and the role data analytics plays for how businesses within this sector engage with audiences.

Download the eBook now