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Simplified data management

Get a consistent flux of trustworthy, high-quality data.

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Sound familiar?

“Our data is constantly evolving and it’s hard to monitor and align it to one data structure.”

Creating a data model from scratch is time-consuming with so many data sources.

“It’s hard to connect the dots between platform data and our new single source of truth.

How we help

Automated data governance

Powerful transformation and data monitoring features to fully harmonize all your data and metrics.

Effortless data mapping

Comprehensive default data mapping with smart suggestions to harmonize new source data in seconds.

Powerful lineage features

Full lineage of source and target fields so you can see where your single source of truth has come from.

Adverity Data Mapping

Data mapping

Harmonize your datasource dimension and metrics names into one single data model.

  • Receive automated suggestions and choose from thousands of default values so you can turn a complex decision into an instant one.
  • Apply your target fields directly to your extracts once they’re fetched and review holistically in your own auto-generated Data Dictionary.

Data dictionary

One single place to review, manage, and govern your data model and calculated metrics.

  • Trace how your target fields have been applied to your data sources.
  • Create new target fields and leave descriptions for others.
  • Ensure consistency across multiple workspaces or markets thanks to one global set of rules and governance features.
  • Build calculated metrics from your harmonized dataset.
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Adverity Smart Naming

Smart Naming Conventions (powered by machine learning)

Eliminate downstream reporting issues with an intelligent naming convention tool that monitors source data as it’s ingested.

  • Send customized notifications about any incorrect data as it’s retrieved from the platform to the teams that need to know.
  • Block any poor-quality data from being ingested or label any errors so they can be quickly filtered out and rectified.


Need to add to, remove, or standardize your data? And want to automate that so it happens automatically in the background as your data arrives? No problem - check out our automated transformation features!

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Adverity Data Transformations

Learn how Adverity can help you better manage your data.

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